Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 45 Villa Bonita

Hey guys, 

This week was pretty good. I made myself a goal at the beginning of the week that I would baptize a little girl named Keylani on the 21st of November. We've been trying to teach her for a long time, but she just likes to play and doesn´t pay much attention. We decided that we would make games out of the missionary lessons and teach her in a member's home. The games we made kinda sucked, but they were good enough to keep her attention for 20 minutes and at the end she earned candy if she listened well. After the first lesson, she got excited for the next lessons, and now she is excited for this Saturday when she will be baptized. She has been to church about 20 times, previous attempts to teach her failed, this week I committed to doing all I could to get her prepared to be baptized. We´ll see if everything works out on Saturday.

We had two more investigators come to church for the first time this week, Pablo and Andrés. Pablo is an old retired elementary school teacher, and Andrés is cholísimo. A él le gustan mucha las drogas. It was a cool Sunday, we were standing with Andrés on the side of the highway waiting for the bus when Pablo pulled up with his car and offered us a ride to church. I have never had an investigator give me a ride to church, he even gave a ride to our other investigator. The Sacrament meeting was perfect because it was the Primary Program. I sat next to Pablo as he watched the little children speak and sing in front of everyone. It impressed him a lot because he works with little children as a living and never had seen such wonderful kids in his life, so powerful in sharing the gospel.

Speaking of little kids sharing the gospel, we had a lesson with an 8 year-old recent convert to the church named Yu-Yo and his best friend. Yu-Yo was so hilarious during that lesson and so direct in preaching the gospel. Starting out he immediately asked his friend if he wanted to be baptized and what he needed to do to be a member of the church. He told his friend that if he goes to church he has to stop saying bad words and stop hitting people. I just let him go on and on talking because it was hilarious and actually pretty powerful words he was saying to his friend. After the lesson, Yu-Yo chewed us out for not reading from the Book of Mormon during the lesson. He also asked us if he could be a mini-missionary and wear a white shirt and tie, carry a heavy back-pack and walk all the way to the church. That kid in 10 years is going to make an awesome missionary.

Now we go from little kids to old people. This week, we planned a district activity to sing in a retirement center. It was a pretty awesome experience. Old people make me laugh just as much as little kids sometimes.

I realized that I hardly talk about my investigators in my emails, so I´ll write a little bit more about some of them.

Luis Angel is the bishop´s daughter´s "boyfriend". He is a super cool kid, he just needs to come to church on Sunday. He goes to every single mutual activity. He is 15 years-old, which is the perfect age for me to be able to give him a hard time about being lazy and not waking up for church. He´s coming along slowing, but he will be baptized as soon as he starts coming to church.

Marco Antonio is a new investigator who is 13 years old and also good friends with some of the members of the ward. He understood the Restoration faster than anyone that I´ve ever seen. After the first night, he had read 3 Nephi 11 prayed, received an answer and everything. The problem is that he has gone to the Catholic Church every week for ever and his parents aren´t gonna let him come to our church. A little more work with his parents and he will be baptized.

Edgar is about 24 years old. At first he had a ton of doubts about Christianity in general. When we started he believed in God, but not the Bible because it has become changed and corrupt. He reads a lot of things on the internet which have put a lot of doubts in him and it is difficult for his to believe anything.  We taught very simply, but very powerfully the Restoration with focus on the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost. He ended that lesson with a prayer in which he thanked God that he gave him the opportunity to have the Book of Mormon, which he hoped would be the answer to all his doubts. He told us that he would go to church yesterday, but didn´t show up.

Eleazar is Elvias husband. He is super old and loves coffee. He thinks it is wonderful that his wife and grandson were baptized, but he doesn´t want to be baptized quite yet.

Juan Pablo is another little kid. He is 9 years old, lives across the street from Keylani, and his older brother is a recent convert. He is a lot more mature than Keylani and enjoys listening to us even when we don´t have a game to play. His problem is that his family almost always goes on trips every weekend which doesn´t allow them to go to church. He has been to church 2 and wants to be baptized. I believe that he will be my next baptism after Keylani.

That´s my week and a little more information about some of the people that we are teaching. Hope you didn´t get boring reading it all, haha.

-Elder Steele

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