Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 16 Ahome

Hey guys! 
I hope you all are doing great. This week was probably one of the most difficult, because we had some sucky things happen to us.

I´ll try to make a long story short. When we get back to our house on Monday, we found that someone had cut our power cables. We went a full week without power in the house. Every shower was ice-cold and dark, no air conditioner, cereal with warm milk, wrinkled clothes, we had mold growing in our fridge, everying just was annoying. It´s all part of the experience, and it´s over now at least. We finally were able the problem about 4 hours ago. We cleaned the fridge, bought new food, and it´s all good.

If you remember from my last email, we had 3 baptisms planned for Saturday in our area. Every one of them fell apart. It was pretty sad. I was super excited for my first baptism, Edgar had even chosen me to baptize him. Hopefully this Saturday or the next we´ll have the baptisms.

Friday was the day of the week that was the best because I was in Los Mochis on splits. I played basketball and soccer with some of the youth in that area. That was the first time I had the chance to do anything fun like that since I arrived in the mission field. The church has a ton more members in Los Mochis than in Ahome. We have two more weeks in Ahome to try to get some baptisms because transfers are coming up again soon and one of us is going to leave Ahome for sure.

Something interesting that I forgot to mention in my letter. Last night, we accidentally hitched a ride with a drunk driver. We didn´t know at first that he was drinking, until after we were already in he pulled out his beer. He almost hit a guy on a bike, and was driving insanely fast. We got out as soon as we could.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 15 Ahome

Hey everybody! 
The week was really good. This week was really successful for us and made us feel like we´re making a difference in people´s lives.

Yesterday at church there were over twice as many people at church than last week. Obviously that wasn´t all because of us, but we helped by bringing a lot of investigators to the church, and members who haven´t been to church in a long time. It almost felt like church in America with how many people there were.

I am going to have my first baptism on Saturday, and it is actually going to be three baptisms in one. 2 are our investigators and 1 is from the other missionaries. We have been working with those two investigators, Edgar and Porfirio, for about 7 weeks now, and it´s awesome seeing them get this far.

This week we had interviews with the mission president. They went good, and the best part was that he ordered Domino´s pizza for us afterwards. I haven´t had good pizza in a while so that was amazing. We eat a lot of seafood here because my area is actually pretty close to the ocean. I´ve eaten sting ray, marlin, and a lot of unfamiliar foods. It all tastes really good though.

Thursday, while we were walking to Las Grullas, we saw a huge cow on the side of the road that had fallen out of a trailer. It was really bloody, and somehow one of its legs had snapped off. That was probably the most interesting thing that I saw this week.

That´s all. In general, the week was a confidence booster. We are seeing real success down here in Mexico finally.

Here are a few pictures of my week
Cool Critters everywhere

Another normal sight of cows

If we don't walk.  This is the only other way to get around.
We rode in the back of that truck for about 30 minutes. We could see the street right through 
the floor underneath us. It was a sketchy ride a little bit.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 14 Ahome

Hey guys! Week 14 in Mexico was beautiful. The weather wasn´t too bad, or maybe I´m just used to to the heat.

I don´t have a lot to say for this week. We did a lot of walking. Normally we hitchhike, but we had horrible luck this week. I enjoyed it though, there are a lot of corn fields here in between each little town that we visit. It reminds me a little of the midwest.

I read a talk titled, "The Fourth Missionary." It was super good, and I invite you all to look it up, especially those of you that are on missions or are getting ready to leave on missions. It´s about the characteristics of missionaries, and the ending results of having those characteristics. The main idea is that a missionary doesn´t really benefit from the mission unless he serves with all his strengh, might, mind, and heart. The heart is key.

I haven´t talked much about my investigators. Right now we have two that are actually progressing. One we have been teaching for a while. His name is Edgar. He is 23 and in the Navy. We have become pretty good friends with him. He has a lot of very difficult trials in his life right now that makes him very receptive to listening to the Gospel. Just in the 7 weeks that I´ve known him, I´ve seen him change into a happier person. It is the result of trying to live the Gospel. There are so many blessings that come with the Gospel.

The weekly challenge was yesterday morning. We woke up and there was no water at all. I tried to fix the problem by calling people and tinkering with this and that, but nothing worked. We ended up taking a shower with the little drinking water we had left. It was cold and uncomfortable, but I keep telling myself that it´s all part of the experience. When we returned to the house last night, the water worked fine, thank goodness. I don´t like how things break for no reason, and start working again for no reason.

That´s it for this week. Love you guys.

This is in between Macapul and Ahome. There are cornfields in all of them I think.

This is just outside Las Grullas Derechas

This is near the other picture outside Las Grullas. There are sunflowers everywhere. 
The picture doesn´t do them justice.

These are the best mountains. It is in an area called Cachuhuana. I think that is how it is spelled.

Check out this small turtle that we found 
next to a sewage drain in Ahome. Poor thing.

This is what I made myself for lunch today. It was the spiciest tomato soup I have ever tasted. 

Here is the last picture. We tried to get a picture with us in it.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 13 Ahome

I hope everyone´s Semana Santa was good. Semana Santa is the week before Easter and it is extremely huge here. All the students have the week off school, and the week after as well. A unique thing here is that the jews dress up in wild costumes with masks and dance around the streets. On Wednesday night, they all gathered together to dance laps around the Catholic Church. Ton´s of people were there to watch. It´s an interesting tradition that the jews do.

Because of Semana Santa, a lot of people were busy and out of town, so as a zone, we didn´t have much success this week in teaching. We have 2 "escogidos" investigators, but other than that, we only teach about 5 or 6 people occasionally. We work hard every day, and we´ll see success soon.

General Conference was this weekend, and obviously all in Spanish. I cheated though and put English Subtitles up during a few sessions. As a missionary, General Conference was better than ever. The members here only watch the one session on Sunday Morning at the church, but me and my companion sat by ourselves in the church watching the other sessions.

I had another draft, but it accidently got deleted. I guess this will have to do for this week. Happy Late Easter everyone. Remember the Atonement.

Church in Ahome