Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 14 Ahome

Hey guys! Week 14 in Mexico was beautiful. The weather wasn´t too bad, or maybe I´m just used to to the heat.

I don´t have a lot to say for this week. We did a lot of walking. Normally we hitchhike, but we had horrible luck this week. I enjoyed it though, there are a lot of corn fields here in between each little town that we visit. It reminds me a little of the midwest.

I read a talk titled, "The Fourth Missionary." It was super good, and I invite you all to look it up, especially those of you that are on missions or are getting ready to leave on missions. It´s about the characteristics of missionaries, and the ending results of having those characteristics. The main idea is that a missionary doesn´t really benefit from the mission unless he serves with all his strengh, might, mind, and heart. The heart is key.

I haven´t talked much about my investigators. Right now we have two that are actually progressing. One we have been teaching for a while. His name is Edgar. He is 23 and in the Navy. We have become pretty good friends with him. He has a lot of very difficult trials in his life right now that makes him very receptive to listening to the Gospel. Just in the 7 weeks that I´ve known him, I´ve seen him change into a happier person. It is the result of trying to live the Gospel. There are so many blessings that come with the Gospel.

The weekly challenge was yesterday morning. We woke up and there was no water at all. I tried to fix the problem by calling people and tinkering with this and that, but nothing worked. We ended up taking a shower with the little drinking water we had left. It was cold and uncomfortable, but I keep telling myself that it´s all part of the experience. When we returned to the house last night, the water worked fine, thank goodness. I don´t like how things break for no reason, and start working again for no reason.

That´s it for this week. Love you guys.

This is in between Macapul and Ahome. There are cornfields in all of them I think.

This is just outside Las Grullas Derechas

This is near the other picture outside Las Grullas. There are sunflowers everywhere. 
The picture doesn´t do them justice.

These are the best mountains. It is in an area called Cachuhuana. I think that is how it is spelled.

Check out this small turtle that we found 
next to a sewage drain in Ahome. Poor thing.

This is what I made myself for lunch today. It was the spiciest tomato soup I have ever tasted. 

Here is the last picture. We tried to get a picture with us in it.

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