Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 30: Last week in Ahome :( New Area, Castillo Obregón

Well, I got transfered after 6 months of being in Ahome. I left my amigo Elder Martinez, and now my companion is Elder Rivas. He is from the Dominican Republic and has about 17 months in the mission. I am in Ciudad Obregón in the Castillo Ward. It just had to be August when I transfer to Obregón. The hottest month of the year.

During the week, nothing super crazy happened. At church, we had even more investigators than last week. At least I left Ahome with them about to have a lot a success. It's a shame that I won't be with them when all those investigators that I helped find get baptized. I will miss Ahome a lot.

Well I don't have a ton a time, and I'm still trying to get accustomed to this area, so I will keep this letter short. Have a good week everybody.

Leaving Elder Martinez in Ahome

 Adios Amigo

Here´s the last picture of the Relief Society district before I left it. haha

More photos of leaving Ahome

Saying goodbye to my companion and sister missionaries

Apparently people think this kid looks like me. 
Normally he has his hair spiked up like mine.

This is the Santos Family they are super cool.

Saying goodbye to Hernandez Family- photo with Teresita and Alex
They were awesome and fed us good

Dog named Morgan, likes to bite

My new companion is Elder Rivas
He is from the Dominican Republic. He seems pretty cool so far. 
I am in the ward El Castillo. Which is in the Yaqui Stake in Ciudad Obregón.

This new area will be good. There were a lot of things in Ahome that caused little stress here and there, but here everything is nicer. The house is smaller, but newer. The fridge works!! The shower is taller. The area is smaller. I don´t have to pay a ton of money for buses all the time. There a way more members so that we don´t have to go to restaurants all the time to eat. We are closer to the offices so we can get supplies and packages faster. The streets all have names and are paved. And we have a keyboard in our house! A lot of little things make the mission a lot easier. I´m gonna miss Ahome a ton though. The challenges there made me better!

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