Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 34 Castillo Obregón

Hey everybody! 
This week was quite a week. I had my first official baptism on Tuesday. I say "official" because last week one of my investigators from Ahome was baptized. This baptism counts in the books for me. His name is Saul and his best friend brought him to church for the first time and we taught him from there. It´s always better when the members help the work. All the members are still super motivated to split the ward and with each baptism the excitement for missionary work increases here.

Other than the baptism, this week was a lot of walking around in the intense heat looking for people to teach. We honestly didn´t have very many lessons this week because we let go of investigators very quickly if they don´t progress. There are always those ready to accept the gospel, we just need to find them, and we won´t ever find them if we are teaching eternal investigators.

This week was probably the hottest that we´ve experienced, and hopefully that the heat will go away soon. Right now it´s raining, so that is a good sign. My comp is dying a little bit I think (losing motivation to work in anticipation to go home). It seems we make plans every day, and when we go to those people´s houses, they either aren´t home or refuse to open the door, and it´s frustrating my comp a little bit. I just need to take the lead more and help my comp out a little bit.

A funny thing happened this week. We were at a house knocking on the door and nobody answered for a long time. My comp then knocked in a different way and a man quickly opened the door looking angry. We thought "huh." Well, at least he opened the door. The same thing happened at another house when my comp knocked in the same way. We then asked one of our Mexican companions, and he told us that the special knock is a really bad insult. We didn´t know, but I thought that it was funny that there is a way to insult someone just by the way that you knock on their door.

Another crazy thing happened this week. We walked in our house one night to find that there were a ton a black widows all over. Not gonna lie, I was super scared. I had no idea what to do because there were webs literally all over the place with little baby ones crawling too. We went to work carefully killing all of the big ones with our shoes and I sprayed bug spray on the webs were all the baby ones were. We then went to the store and bought Raid to spray all over the house and to kill the ones that were hidden under tables and such. That was fun... I couldn´t sleep without imagining black widows crawling on me and biting me. But that´s over now, I´m over that fear now.

That´s the week. It was pretty interesting. Also, I am exactly one third of the way through the mission already. Here´s is a picture from the baptism that happened on Tuesday.
-Elder Steele

This week was a quite the week. My first official baptism, which went really well. 
You asked if it was finally cooling down, I think summer is saying goodbye with a vengeance because it was the hottest week I think of the whole mission so far.  

And I experienced a lot of arachnophobia. 
You guys have no idea how many black widows I have killed this week in our house. I can´t sleep without feeling like a black widow is crawling on me. I took a picture of the first 2 that I saw, 
but there were more than 15 huge black widows, and a few of them had babies.

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