Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 84 Jardines Obregón

This week we finally baptized again. Paola got baptized and confirmed this weekend! That broke our little rough patch of not having baptisms in a while. Our zone is doing pretty well too. In these last 2 weeks we´ve had 8 baptisms. 

This week we did divisions on 2 different days. During the first one I got to be with my old companion Elder Rojas. It was a pretty awesome day. When we were together in Pioneros we baptized Genesis and Abraham. They have a sister named Haydee and her husband is Isaac. They moved away and it turns out that they had moved to Jardines. We´ve been teaching Haydee and Isaac for about a month now and Isaac is close to getting baptized. I just thought it was an awesome coincidence that the same two elders that found them in another area got to teach them together 8 months later.

If you didn´t know. I´m 20 years old now. I feel pretty old actually. My birthday was pretty good. On Sunday morning, we read a text from the bishop at about 9:30 asking as to give talks during sacrament meeting that starts at 11:00. Pre-mission Elder Steele would´ve had a freak out, but my companion and I were able to write some pretty dope talks in the matter of 30-40 minutes. My companion in his talk decided to mention that it was my birthday, so everyone bombarded me after sacrament meeting. For dinner on my birthday, we made some good spaghetti and today we went to a pretty good burger joint called Oliver´s Grill. It was better than last years birthday. hahaha.

This transfer has definately gone by pretty fast. Next week we find out about the new transfers. The mission is smaller than it used to be and less missionaries are coming to the field. It´s fine though because we´re increasing our baptisms with less missionaries :) I hope to stay in the area at least one more transfer as zone leader, but I´ll be fine with whatever happens. That´s about it for the week. I love you guys.

-Elder Steele

Extras he wrote to family with such a good attitude...
I didn´t get the package yet. It´s all good though. I had a good birthday. The best birthday present is a baptism. Paola finally got baptized. And our zone baptized 5 this week!

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