Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 85 Jardines Obregón

Transfer week came again. 

That was fast. No big news on these transfers though. Elder Loveland and I are staying together here in Jardines. But out of the 11 companionships in the zone, 9 had changes. Another area of Elders got changed out and 2 Sister missionaries got put in. That´s good. Those elders were kind of fritos. Our zone now has 12 elders and 10 sisters. 

So I have kinda "sicky" news to give you guys this week. (Did you catch my pun?) When my companion and I both got sick we went to the doctor and found out that we have either amoebas or parasites. So basically our week has been pretty crappy. I don´t want to give you guys too many details. 

If you remember that last week was my birthday, and my companion decided to announce it in his talk during sacrament meeting. Well anyway, I got 2 cakes given to me. One by the bishop´s amazing wife. Another by Haydee, an innactive member, and wife of our investigator Isaac. When she gave us the cake, we were in her house and her brother/my convert Abraham was there also. It was pretty awesome to see him.

Speaking of seeing old converts, we had stake conference yesterday, and I saw my very first convert, Saul. He recognized me right of the bat. It was awesome to see him in a suit and tie and helping the other young men set up chairs and everthing. He was baptized last August.

That´s basically the week for me. I´m excited to meet some of the new missionaries in our zone. I can´t believe I only have 3 more transfers left until I´m home. In these three transfers I´m going to baptize a lot. I love you guys.

- Elder Steele

Notes from family letter:

I´m dying just a little bit. Not from not having money. We found out that we either have parasites or amoebas living inside us. I got sick on Wednesday morning and it was horrible. I´ve had diarrea since then and I haven´t been able to eat almost anything, even though I´m always hungry. The doctor says that my stomach and intestines are swollen, even though I appear to have lost a lot of weight. They put me and my companion on a 7-day treatment in which we are taking pills that supposedly are going to kill everything inside of us and clean us out completely. I´ve probably had amoebas for a long time actually, because it´s been a long time since I´ve eaten well and I always feel so tired because the amoebas are stealing my nutrients. It´s been pretty bad to be honest. If this treatment works, then we are going to get super swoll to end my mission. You gotta love Mexico.

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