Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 2 in the CCM

I think I´ll start out with the bad news. On Tuesday night, tons of missionaries got sick with some kind of virus or food poisoning. Unfortunately I was one of them; I got it bad. It was the worst night I have ever experienced. 3 of the 4 guys in my room had the bug, and we were all up all night just heaving our guts out. Every 20-30 minutes it would come back. It sounded like a warzone in the bathroom. I don´t wanna gross you out too much, but it was literally the most sick I have ever been. I feel much better now.

This morning we went to see the Mexico City Temple, and the Visitors center. If any of you have been to the Independence Visitors Center, it was a lot like that. I still felt a little sick, but it was a great experience. I bought a really awesome Mexican backpack.

Week 2 was pretty much the same as week 1. Our schedule is very routine. I can´t wait to leave the CCM and go to Ciudad Obregón. I know spanish pretty well, and the CCM can be pretty boring sometimes. I do love my companions though. The 4 of us in our room are pretty good friends. Elder Alves wants us to go to Idaho when we get back from our missions so he can cook us some potatoes from his potato farm, lol. We all stayed in the casa yesterday because we were sick, so we just talked to each other all day long and that was pretty fun.

Some interesting stuff about Mexico that I haven´t mentioned yet: Either Mexicans like blowing things up, or there is a lot of gun violence in Mexico City. Every day from 11:00 to about 3:00 there is an airplane that flies over the city playing an advertisement for the circus, it´s really loud and annoying.

We are teaching more difficult investigators this week. It´s frustrating teaching because my companion still doesn´t know much spanish. I was told to stop translating everything for my companion, so my companion has a very hard time following along. I let him speak as much as I can, but often the things that he says are really off topic to the lesson. He knows a lot about the gospel, and he will get better at spanish, it was just take time.

The most important thing that I´ve learned is how important exact obedience is as a missionary. As missionaries, we are held to the highest standards because we are representatives of Jesus Christ. The rules are extremely strict, but we are blessed as we are exactly obedient to the rules of our mission president.

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