Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 3 in the CCM

¡Buenos Dias! 
I don´t know why my companions decided to wake up at 5 in the morning to come write emails, but here I am. Later today we are going to the Consulate building to pick up our green-cards. I´m planning on coming back later today to write another email.

This week our district got called to be the new ushers for devotionals. I like it because it gives us something different to do. Its super easy. I got the easiest job, I just say hi to people as they are walking into the auditorium. Other guys in my district have to tell people where they can or cannot sit. Nobody likes them.

I joined the CCM choir. We sing at every Tuesday devotional. This week was kinda cool because we sang the exact same song that our ward sang at our Christmas Program back home. It was the same arrangement, but in spanish of the song ´´How Great the Wisdom and the Love´´ The choir director thought that I was a super good singer because I knew my part so well.

We have a few jokes, or sayings, that we always say in our district that are kinda funny. The first one is: It is always better in America. Its the belief that everything here in Mexico will slowly start to seem better and better. At first the milk is gonna taste super gross, but after 2 years, we´ll think ´´hey I kinda like this milk´´ but no, It´s always better in America. Normally we aren´t talking about food though when we are using that saying.

The other saying is ´´Givém Heaven.´´ We use that to say good luck right before someone is about to teach an investigator. 

Anyway, I gotta leave soon. I´ll write a little more in about 5-6 hours.

Week 3 Continued
Our trip to the Consulate building was awesome. The bus ride was long, and the bus was very crammed. We ate street tacos, and later found out that it was most likely dog meat because they only cost like 8 pesos. Also I bought churros and a Coca-Cola. The Coke is a lot better here in México. 

We are so tight as a district here. We all have nicknames for each other. Mine is Max Steele because that is what the Latinos call me. Elder Thorn is called Thor by the latinos. Herzog is Zog-Dog. Elder Stephans is Jake´n Shake. Elder Alves is Mr. Potato Head. Amosa is Dirty Dan. We call my companion Hey Arnold. Zerkle is Zercules. Elder Alba we call the Chazmanian Devil because his first name is Chaz. We call Elder Smith "Papa Smith" because he is the oldest of all of us. Its awesome how close you can get to a group of guys in such a short amount of time. A few of them drive me crazy sometimes, and I´m pretty sure that one of them is gay, but I love all those guys. We help each other through all the challenges in the CCM whether it is being sick, homesick, or frustrated with learning spanish. I couldn´t have asked for a better district.

The Latinos taught us a cool slang word. It´s Vato. It´s similar to saying Dude or Bro in English. Its really fun talking to the Latinos because I can finally understand what they are saying. Also they love playing hacky sack with me. I tried playing cage-soccer with them, but they are super good at soccer and I really suck.

Studying is starting to get better. I really enjoy reading the scriptures and trying to find powerful verses that I can use in a lesson. I wish I had my scriptures with me now, maybe I could share one of them. The teacher that we have in the afternoon is a stud. His name is Alejandro Hernandez and he is 23 years old. He has the most powerful spirit of anyone that I know. He has some of the scariest and most motivational stories from his mission. He has a scar down his forehead from when someone tried to kill him on his mission, but he was protected because he followed the spirit. He was very reluctant to share that story, but I´m so glad that he did.

Anyway, I can´t think of anything else to share about my week. I´m feeling a lot better from last week. I love you all and hope that you enjoy reading about my mission. 

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