Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 35 Castillo Obregón

This week was pretty amazing. What was amazing is that even though we did not teach hardly any lessons, we worked extremely hard looking for good people. We were blessed with miracles when at church we had 5 investigators go to church. One of them actually speaks english so we are going to teach his the discussions in english which will be really cool. My comp will understand how I felt the first month of the mission.

I just now got the news that another one of my investigators from Ahome got baptized. She just wasn´t quite ready when I was there. That´s two of my investigators from Ahome now. Hopefully 2 more soon.

This weekend we will get to watch the re-dedication of the Mexico City Temple, and that should be really awesome. This is the last week of this transfer, and it seems like it went by really fast. Today marks 8 months in the mission. That´s about it for the week.

Have a good week everyone!

Elder Martinez and his new companion- Elder Osborn with Trini at her baptism in Ahome

From Elder Martinez:
mire nada mas quien se bautiso men!! 

yuuujuuuuuuu...... por fin men la hermana trini se bautisoo men estuvo bien suave el servicio y la hermana esta bien animada ya lista para entrar al templo y tambie para asistir ala redicacion ya la entrevistaron y todo yujuuuuu los frutos de nuestros esfuerzo men le manda mucho saludos la hermana y dije que le mande la foto!!! 

" Lo que más se necesita en el mundo de hoy es FE EN DIOS Y VALOR PARA HACER SU VOLUNTAD". 


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