Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 38 Villa Bonita

This week was a great week. My comp and I work super well together, and have had a ton of success. We have 3 investigators progressing very quickly, and a bunch more new investigators that we just need to get them to church. We have a goal to baptize 4 in October, which is a lot for the area that we are in. Our ward is doesn´t have a lot of success when it comes to missionary work, which is kinda ironic because it is the mission president´s ward. The president is very pleased with the work that we are doing.

I feel like we are having success miraculously. We receive a lot of referrals from random people. And everyone we have met recently, is ready to accept the gospel it seems. Some have told us that they want to be baptized sooner than the date we put for them. I just hope that we can keep up with all the work we have here. Every day is super important, in fact one day this week, we had 6 appointments planned. You can imagine how rushed we felt to get to each one.

That´s about it for this week. It was work, work, work in the heat with not a cloud in the sky for the whole week. We're soon coming up to October so it should start cooling down. I heard Wednesday is supposed to be around 46 C. Enjoy the cool weather in the US you guys!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 37 Villa Bonita

Hey guys, 
I don´t have a lot of time this week. Here´s some of the big news.
-We baptized Omar and it was a great experience. The ultimate goal of every missionary here is to baptize a Jehovah´s Witness. Challenge Accomplished.
-I learned a ton as it was my first week being the district leader. I never thought it would be this difficult, and my district has a few problems. Every day the zone leaders call to ask what I am doing to improve my district. Even the president called one day. I have a bunch of ideas that I´m going to use, and hopefully we get things going in the right direction.
-This week there were a bunch of missionaries sent home sick, including one Elder from my district. He was replaced by Elder Morrison, who is from my generation. Now there are three from my generation in my district.

I´m really out of time now and have to make it to an appointment, so that´s it for the week, bye everyone!

-Elder Steele

Here´s a photo that you might like to see. We baptized a TJ!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 36 Last Week in Castillo Obregón. Now in Pioneros/Villa Bonita

Hey Everyone! Like the subject says, I got transferred again. I was only in Castillo for six weeks, so I was pretty shocked. Maybe it´s because my companion told the president that he wanted to die (finish his mission) in Castillo that he changed me instead of him. Anyway it´s all good, I´ll go wherever the Lord would have me go.

My new area is called Pioneros, but I live a little outside of Obregón in Villa Bonita. It´s a really nice area considering I´m still in Mexico. What makes it even better is that I got here at a great time. The elders before were just about to have a some baptisms, including one Jehovah´s Witness. That is the ultimate goal of every missionary in this mission is to baptize a Jehovah´s Witness, and I´m about to do it.

My new comp is Elder Juarez and he´s a pretty cool guy. He is from Pachuca, Mexico and has exactly the same amount of time as me. In fact we sat next to each other on the plane from the MTC to the mission field. He´s a great missionary and he´ll be a great help to me as district leader.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I´m the district leader of my new area. There are 4 Elders and 4 sisters in my district including the secretaries of the mission. I´m a little nervous because the mission president lives in Pioneros so that means no goofing off for me haha. It is a great opportunity though to progress as a missionary and leader. I´m sure I´ll get a few lectures from the president, but it´s a good thing that he´s so close because I can recieve more counsel from him than other missionaries can.

Over the weekend we watched the re-dedication of the Mexico City Temple. It was really cool. President Eyring, and Elder Holland came. In his talk, Elder Holland began and ended in spanish. It was really cool. His grammar was simple and correct, but his accent was super gringo. What it showed me is that he cares so much for all of the members of the church that he put forth the effort to speak in their language to tell them how much he loves them.

That´s about it for the week. I´m super excited for this next week and tomorrow for my first district meeting as district leader. I love all of you guys.

-Elder Steele

The last picture with my old District

Here is my comp and I with the Sanchez family

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 35 Castillo Obregón

This week was pretty amazing. What was amazing is that even though we did not teach hardly any lessons, we worked extremely hard looking for good people. We were blessed with miracles when at church we had 5 investigators go to church. One of them actually speaks english so we are going to teach his the discussions in english which will be really cool. My comp will understand how I felt the first month of the mission.

I just now got the news that another one of my investigators from Ahome got baptized. She just wasn´t quite ready when I was there. That´s two of my investigators from Ahome now. Hopefully 2 more soon.

This weekend we will get to watch the re-dedication of the Mexico City Temple, and that should be really awesome. This is the last week of this transfer, and it seems like it went by really fast. Today marks 8 months in the mission. That´s about it for the week.

Have a good week everyone!

Elder Martinez and his new companion- Elder Osborn with Trini at her baptism in Ahome

From Elder Martinez:
mire nada mas quien se bautiso men!! 

yuuujuuuuuuu...... por fin men la hermana trini se bautisoo men estuvo bien suave el servicio y la hermana esta bien animada ya lista para entrar al templo y tambie para asistir ala redicacion ya la entrevistaron y todo yujuuuuu los frutos de nuestros esfuerzo men le manda mucho saludos la hermana y dije que le mande la foto!!! 

" Lo que más se necesita en el mundo de hoy es FE EN DIOS Y VALOR PARA HACER SU VOLUNTAD".