Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 49 Villa Bonita

This week was another crazy week. Some very memorable stuff happened.

Firstly, the baptism of Genesis. She is 8 years old and we had her baptism Saturday night. Saturday was a very cold day. I had called our ward mission leader to fill up the font three hours before the baptism so that the water would be a little warm. He decided to fill up the font in the morning. When I stepped in the water, it was freezing cold. Genesis was nervous to baptized in the first place, when she stepped in the water, she started bawling. Her mom had to get halfway in the font just so that Genesis would walk down the steps. I said the prayer baptized her while she was crying. I felt horrible. She fought for a long time, and it took some convincing to get her to cooperate. I will never forget her baptism, and I know she won´t either. We drank some hot chocolate afterwards and everything was fine.

That same night we watched the Cultural Event for the Tijuana Temple. It was really interesting. Apparently the cultural music of Tijuana includes Katy Perry, Daft Punk, the bee gees, Rick Astley, Star Wars, Lord of the Ring, and others. It didn´t make sense, but I had a good time listening to it. jaja

The dedication on Sunday was really cool to watch. President Uchdorf had fun putting mortar in the corner stone with a bunch of Mexican kids that had no idea what he was saying. The temple president is Gordon B Hinckley´s son, so that was really cool to listen to.

Here´s a story about a Chihuahua named Junior. He is a member´s dog, that would follow us everytime we passed by their house. He likes to run ahead of us so that he can have time to pee on everything he can before we catch up. He has been present in a lot of our lessons, and our investigators love him. We were going to make him a little tie to wear and a name tag that says "Elder Junior." Junior is the coolest dog in the history of Villa Bonita. I took a picture with him on Thursday when he was being our "perro-presente" in our lessons.

Friday night, Junior´s owner told us that he was hit by a car and died. It´s super sad. I really loved having a little dog follow us wherever we went.At least we know he is preaching to the other dogs in the Spirit World. jaja

Tomorrow we will have another baptism for Orlando. And hopefully on Saturday we will have another one for Pablo Ruiz. We are having a lot of success, even when it sometimes feel like we´re not doing much, the baptisms keep coming.

That´s it for my week. I´m really enjoying my mission right now.

-Elder Steele

Baptism of Genesis

 This is the coolest dog in all of Villa Bonita. His name is Junior

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