Monday, December 28, 2015

Week 51 Villa Bonita NAVIDAD!

This week was a pretty awesome week. On Tuesday, we had our ward Christmas party. It was interesting. There was supposed to be a baptism from the sister missionaries before the party, but the investigator showed up 2 hours late and said he wasn't ready to be baptized yet. That´s the second time his baptism has fallen through.

The party started really late, so late that we had to go home before dinner was even served to meet our curfew. We did meet a few inactive members, and watch a few people sing Christmas songs. The missionaries sang a song at the last second. We sounded pretty good.

Thursday was the Christmas Party for the missionaries. We played volleyball, soccer, canasta de frutas, did skits, ate turkey, and that´s about it. It was a pretty fun day. When the night came, our district went to the mission home for dinner and a gift exchange activity. 

Friday was Christmas and we talked to our families. That is always the best. I felt a little bit weird on Christmas proselyting as if it were a normal day, but that´s what we did.

Saturday was a little bit interesting. We couldn't contact the lady who was going to give us lunch, so we asked the bishop if we could eat with him. Of course he said yes. At the end of lunch, we got a call from a different lady who apparently made us lunch and she was waiting for us. We decided to go to a second lunch and I ate until I almost puked. Haha.

Sunday was a really cold day. The coldest that I have ever experienced in the mission. Being really cold and the Sunday after Christmas, there was hardly anyone at church. None of our investigators made it.

This morning we finally received a few things that we´ve been waiting for for 6 weeks. A microwave and an electric stove. I can´t even believe we went 6 weeks without cooking anything. That´s a whole transfer! That was a good late Christmas Present.

Tomorrow we should have 2 baptisms. Ivan and Abraham. There are potential problems, but I believe they can happen.

It was actually a little tough to write the letter this week, even though it was Christmas. We didn't have much success as proselyting goes, but this week will be different. I´m excited for 2016. The new year is my halfway mark, and I´m sure the time will fly by. 2016 will be a very great year with tons of success.

-Elder Steele

Skyping with my Family from Missouri and 
Utah at the same time.  Best Christmas Present Ever!

Missionary Christmas Party
The little girl is Zuri. She is Keylani´s little sister. She is a handful.

This is a picture at our party, only 3 people got to hit the pinata 
before it was  completely destroyed.  

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