Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 50 Villa Bonita

Writing "Week 50" makes me feel old. I´m almost half way done.

This week was the most successful week that I think I have ever had in my whole mission. We had all amazing numbers in all the things that matter most. We had a baptism, 18 investigator lessons, 9 with members present, and 10 referalls from members. That´s pretty good for this mission. We are about to have 3 more baptisms in about 2 weeks.

Orlando was baptized on Tuesday. When we went to visit his mom, she asked us when she could be baptized. The answer is next week.

We are teaching another kid named Ivan, and he is ready to be baptized, we are just sorting out legal problems with his parents so that he has permission to be baptized.

Genesis was baptized last week, and her brother came to church this week. He was baptized 7 years ago, but was never confirmed. There doesn´t exist a single paper that says he was baptized, so we are going to baptize him again, but right this time.

Pablo Ruiz was going to be baptized on Saturday, but we found out about some marriage/free union problems. He still wants to be baptized, he will try to get divorced with his old wife so he can remarry and get baptized.

This week we had a crazy Family Home Evening in which 10 small children were present. It was a mistake to have invited them all. They went super crazy. For baptizing so many kids and having so many investigators who are kids, other missionaries have given me the nick-name, "Presidente de la Primaria." I think it´s fun and challenging teaching so many kids. I have gotten to the point where I understand too much spanish. I hear the little kids talking about things that I wish I couldn´t understand. They make me laugh though.

The following story may contain information innapropriate for missionaries to use. I apologize. I can´t let this story go un-told:

This week something happened that I will never forget. I was waiting for the bus with my companions and the sister missionaries. We saw someone from the other side of the street that waved to us. We were too far away to see who it was so we waved back. Then he/she crossed the street walking very flamboyantly. He/she was wearing women´s jeans, women´s shoes, a hoodie, wig, and a scruffy face for lack of shaving. I recognized the drag-queen first.

Of-course, he came right to the gringo and sat himself down. I was extremely nervous and didn´t know what to do. I slid myself rule-breakingly close to Sister Rodriguez. He turning and started talking to me, sliding closer and closer saying things like "Hola Guapo, Que Hermoso" He then touched my hair and moved his hand all the way down my body to my leg, at which point I stood up and distanced myself.

Sister Patraca was trying to talk to him to distract his attention from me, but that didn´t work. He immediately got up and followed me. I had three ideas in my head: 1: Run away. 2: Pretend one of the sister missionaries was my girlfriend. 3: Play stupid. I chose number 3. I spoke in the worst gringo accect that I could pull off, "No entiendo español." It didn´t work. I kept walking further and further away as he kept getting closer calling me "hermoso and guapo". I was almost about to try plan number 2 when we we were saved by the bus. He got on the bus, asking me to follow him, and thinking we would take that bus. We obviously waited for the next one.

That experience will haunt me for the rest of my life. I have shivers just typing it. I gave my companion a hard time because he just hid from the situacion instead of trying to help me. The sister missionaries were trying their best, apparently they almost tried plan 2 also. They will never let me forget that experience.

Now that you have all had your laughs, I want you all to know how much I love you guys and hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I can wait for Friday to be able to Skype you guys!

-Elder Steele

Photos of Orlando's baptism:

We ate Chinese food and had fun taking selfies with the sisters and the ward mission leader.

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