Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 72 Jardines Obregón

Wow, I have never felt more satisfied in all my mission with the success that we are having. I feel like Elder Yoo and I click really well together. To be honest, we have never done a practice together, but our teaching has been super effective. This Saturday, we baptized Pedro, who will be going to the temple on the 28th to do baptisms for the dead with his family, who are also recent converts of ours. :)

This Friday we will have a baptismal service for Gregorio. We are also hoping that Olga and her two sons get baptized that day as well. They have gone to church 4 weeks in a row, have attended various church activities, and are in MOSIAH in the Book of Mormon. They still say they aren´t sure, but with faith, we will have 4 baptisms this Friday.

If you´ve been keeping track, with all those baptisms, it´ll be 9 baptisms in one transfer (6 weeks). Like I said, I´ve never felt more blessed in all my mission. The success that we having is because of our daily diligence in working hard, and our love that we have for our investigators. They are our glory. Yesterday, we were able to bring 8 investigators to church, 7 of which have baptismal dates.

We had another Zone Conference this week, so we had to plan another training. We just kept it really simple, really short, but super spiritual. It went really well I thought. It was actually President Munive´s last time doing Zone Conferences in all the zones. He announced a new change in the missionary clothing standards. The sister missionaries are now encouraged to wear dress pants instead of skirts, and we can wear hats and sunglasses. I don´t think I´ll wear a hat though, because I don´t want to look like a Jehovah Witness. 

This is already the last week of this transfer. Man the time goes by fast. But, this trasfer by far has been the most successful ever. I imagine my companion will be made the new asistent to the president next week. It´s either him or Elder Aleman, my old Zone Leader. It´ll be interesting for sure. Anyway, that´s about it for the week, it wasn´t a super detailed letter but oh well. I love you guys, Take Care!

-Elder Steele

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