Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 69 Jardines Obregón

Well this week I finally feel like everything is normal after the change that happen a few weeks ago. I know my area now, I´m able to joke around well with my companion, and I know most of the members. There are only 4 missionaries in this ward, while in Pioneros we had 8. With lesser missionaries, the members seem to have a better relationship with the few they have. They seem to really like my me and my companion.

What I am enjoying a lot more now, is that the majority of the people that we are teaching are people that I actually found while being here. So I´m not completely just harvesting all the work that the old zone leader did. 

This Sunday, we brought a new family to church. It was Olga and her 3 sons. She is super chosen. She stayed for all three hours and seemed to love her experience (even though some members share the weirdest testimonies). Saturday was a super popular holiday, Día de los Niños (kid´s day) so the primary leaders gave huge bags of candy to Olga´s 3 little sons.

We also have another super chosen investigator. Her name is Ivonne. She is Milagros´ Mom and Maria´s daughter (The two baptisms that we had last week). Ivonne hadn´t been able to go to church while Millie and Maria were learning, but now she goes to every single activity that the church has. She was planning on being baptized on May 21st when she recieved her answer, but on Saturday we were teaching her and she told us how strongly she felt the spirit every time we are teaching her and everytime she is inside the church. Also when she was filling out her Family History she felt her heart just tingling with the spirit. I asked her if she knew the church was true, she said yes, so we asked her if she would be baptized this Saturday instead of the 21st. She said yes with the biggest grin on her face and Millie ran and gave her a hug. It was awesome.

So with 3 weeks in Jardines, I will already have 4 baptisms. That is super awesome. We have 2 more planned for the 21st of May. They are Carlos and Zayda. They live in a house that literally has nothing. Not even a front door or windows. It turns out that Carlos is the cousin of Diana Ruiz, one of the nicest ladies ever from Pioneros. Carlos and Zayda learned a lot about the church before and had testimonies but didn´t get baptized because they weren´t married. Not that we found them, we´re gonna get them married, help them get off the drugs and get them baptized as fast as we can.

Olga and 2 of her sons who are in the age of baptism should be baptized at the end of the month too. She is a little hesitant to accept because one of her friends was supposedly pressured into to getting baptized and then she got innactivated shortly after her baptism. Olga doesn´t want that to happen. Olga went to church a lot with that friend, but a long time ago, but for some reason, the missionaries never started teaching her. Seeing how well she liked church, I´m sure she´ll accept a baptism date the next time we see her.
Here´s something that shows how chosen Olga is: After we talked to Olga for the very first time we left her a Book of Mormon. We hadn´t even explained anything about the book yet. We just said, next time we´ll talk about that book. When we came back 2 days later, she told us. "I´m so sorry I didn´t have very much time at all to read the Book. I only got to here." She opened the book to chapter 6 of 1 Nephi. That doesn´t sound like much, but for the people here, reading 1 page is like reading a whole Harry Potter book. She impressed me.

There´s a little bit about our investigators. Tomorrow we have the leadership council. That should be interesting. I think it may be President Munive´s last one, or second to last one, I´m not sure. Anyway, I´m super excited. But I´m even more excited for Mother´s Day this Sunday! I love you guys!

-Elder Steele

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