Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 75 Jardines Obregón

Hey guys! There´s is no real big news this week. It was really hot as normal, but not as hot as the last week, so I can´t complain that much. Yesterday, we had 5 progressing investigators in church again, which was amazing. Our recent convert Olga (who got baptized 2 weeks ago), got a calling as primary teacher. That made us pretty happy. It makes us happy to see that the most faithful members of the ward are our converts. I´m getting really frustrated with howly badly the church service goes on sunday due to the lack of preparation an faithfulness of the members. First of all, even the "active" members go to church an average of once or twice a month. The talks in sacrament are normally terribly boring, and the Elders quorum is pitiful. To make matters worse, our least favorite member of the ward just got called to be the Ward Mission Leader.

This week, I felt extremely bad for my companion. I found out a while bad that he has had a herniated disc in his lower back since long before the mission. This week, the pain was overwhelming for him. I wanted to help him so much, but felt so worthless. We had to stay in our house last Sunday after church, Monday a little bit, and Saturday almost all day long. I took advantage of the time and read a lot and studied a lot of spanish. I am almost done with the Old Testament. I´ve also learning a ton of Spanish slang and expressions that they say here, along with some higher vocabulary.

Here´s a little bit to know about our progressing investigators.

David: He is a 15 year-old kid that is progressing extremely well. He is incredibly intelligent and understands the doctrine really fast. He should be baptized on the 25th of June

Josueth: He is a 12 year-old kid. Unlike David, this kid is kinda retarded. We have to explain the things over and over and over again. Elder Yoo was actually teaching him since before I got here. Josueth things it´s funny when we get frustrated, and whenever we extend an invitation, he never says yes, but always, "probably", or "maybe," or "If God wants", or "who knows" and then he laughs. And he doesn´t do that because he is unsure, he just thinks it´s funny.

Alondra: She is really frustrating us. She wants to go to our church because her older sister is a recent convert. But she wants to do her first communion so that she can have her fiesta de quince años. That catholic church has apparently threatened her to kick her out of their church if she doesn´t come finish all her first communion, confirmacion, perseverancia and all that stuff. She knows that the Catholic church isn´t the true church, she goes just to be able to have a party when she turns 15, which is in 4 years!

Elizabeth: She just barely turned 15 and she is pregnant. This wouldn´t normally be that big of a problem because it´s pretty common here, but she lives with her boyfriend, so we have to get her married. The good news is that we have already taught her 19 year old boyfriend, and he came to church yesterday. We are also teaching her mom, and I think her mom with give her permission to get married so that she can get baptized.

Paula: She also needs to get married, but this one will be a piece of cake. Her husband is super awesome. He has been a member of the church his whole like, and not he is getting re-activated. He already had an interview with the bishop and is working on getting his credentials so that he can get married as soon as possible. He will baptize his wife as soon as they are married, and they will be married as soon as he gets his credentials, which should be the first week of July.

This week I also got to do divisions with Elder Coello, who was my trainer. It was kinda interesting since now I am his zone leader. We both have changed a ton since May 2015 which is when we together. He doesn´t drive me as crazy anymore, and teaches a lot better, and his district doesn´t hate him like they did when we were in Ahome. He learned how to let go of all the stress and be more laid back. It was kinda nice being with him and remembering all the memories we had in Ahome.

Now my time is about up. Thanks for reading my letter. Keep enjoying your summer. See you guys in 28 more weeks!

-Elder Steele

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