Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 76 Jardines Obregón

Wow, I seriously need to stop putting the week numbers. It´s making me all trunkie. Anyway, I hope you guys are still enjoying my letters. I stopped preparing them in advance, so I think the quality has gone done, but oh well.

Mom says that apparently today is the first day of summer. I thought it started like 3 months ago, but I guess it is just started. I hate the heat to be honest. I´ll probably move to Canada when I get home.

This week, we actually had interesting things to talk about. On Thursday, we had a Multi-zone conference with my old zone. The zone leader from that zone is probably one of my best friends in the mission, Elder Osborn. He arrived in Ahome in my place last year and baptized all my investigators, but I don´t hold any grudges or anything, he´s a pretty chill guy.

Anyway, Elder Yoo and I did not want to train, so we cleverly convinced Elder Osborn and his companion to do it. They really get me cracking up in their training. But the best part of the whole meeting is that I saw every single one of my companions, (except for Elder Rivas, who went home already). We took a picture with Elder Coello, Elder Martinez, Elder Juarez, Elder Rojas, Elder Alvarenga, and Elder Yoo. It was a pretty good time. I hope to get a hold of that picture soon.

That conference was basically the mission presidents farewell. We (Elder Yoo) prepared a sick piano arrangement for "Called to Serve" We made President and Sister Munive cry. It was pretty awesome.

The day after that we had another meeting in the mission offices. We had a leadership council via Skype with all the zone leaders in Navajoa, Guasave, and Los Mochis. I thought it was kind of pointless, we basically just told everyone how many baptisms we had and what we have been doing to improve. Our zone is doing pretty good. We always seem to land in 2nd place out of 7. I know it´s not a competition, but you guys know me.

This week, we weren´t able to teach Paula, who is the investigator who is going to get married to be able to be baptized. We went to her house, but there wasn´t enough time to teach her, but the good news is that they gave us two packages of carne asada (steak), a can of peaches, potato chips, and chocolate. It seems like we always leave that house with a handful of food. They are the best ever.

Our 15-year old pregnant investigator Elizabeth, had her baby this week. She had it at 7 months and had to have surgery. We actually haven´t seen her since last Sunday, but her family says she is Ok. 

The best news is that we will have 2 baptisms this Thursday. Josueth and David will hopefully be getting baptized. We had kind of a long drought without baptisms... 3 weeks, haha. After they get baptized, we should have more baptisms that closely follow: Paula, Alondra, Arisbeth, Elizabeth, and Juan.

Yesterday, something hilarious happened. My companion, Elder Yoo, get planched hard by a 13-year old girl named Kenia. She was pissed off that Elder Yoo told her that he couldn´t give her piano lessons. On Tuesday, she had asked him for a piano lesson during the mutual, Elder Yoo said no because we were supposed to have a meeting, and we were there for our investigators, Josueth and David. The meeting ended up getting cancelled, and towards the end of the mutual, David asked Elder Yoo to teach him a little bit about piano. So for 5 minutes Elder Yoo showed David a little bit about how to play a chord. During those 5 minutes, Kenia walked in and saw them and got mad.

Kenia knew that we were going to eat in her house yesterday. She prepared scriptures and questions to try to make Elder Yoo look like the devil. She talked about how if someone has talents and doesn´t use them to help people, then god will take away their talents. She told Elder Yoo that he was a liar and that God was going to take away his talents. She went on and on and honestly did an amazing job. She would make a great lawyer. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

To finish this short story that I made too long, we believe that her whole family is out to get us now. They made us a broth to eat which included chicken neck, nopal (cactus), and habanero peppers. We almost died. They acted as if the food was normal and that we should love it. The poor sister missionaries were there too. They couldn´t eat the food, and poured their food in our bowls. It was seriously the hottest food I have ever tasted, and chicken neck has the weirdest tecture to it. We´re pretty sure they did that on purpose, because they themselves didn´t eat the food.

Another quick story to end the letter. After a long day´s work with one of the young men from the ward, we went to buy hot dogs for him. We noticed some huge hot dogs wrapped in bacon, stuffed inside of a huge green pepper along with ham and cheese, which pepper was also wrapped in bacon. We asked the lady what exactly it was. The guy standing next to us told the lady to give us 3 of those Jumbo chile dogos and he paid. That immediately made us feel like that day was a success.

I can´t remember any more events of this week. This is the last week of President Munive, the new president gets here on the 27th. Thanks for reading my super long letter. I love you guys a ton. Take care!!

-Elder Steele

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