Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 62 Villa Bonita

Hey guys,

This week was pretty amazing. We worked hard. The best thing that happened is that the other Elders from my district baptized a family of 4. We had divisions so that I could go to their area to conduct the baptismal interviews. The interviews went really well, but it was tiring doing 4 interviews back to back, each one being about 30 minutes, but I was happy to do them.

Doing the divisions, I was with Elder Poaletti, which means that we left our two "sons" together in my area. I was nervous to do that, knowing that they did not have much experience in the mission, and the fact that Elder Sullivan doesn´t speak spanish hardly. But it turns out, my companion did really well and they had 8 lessons and 3 new investigators just in that one day. I was proud of him.

I´m having a tough time thinking of what to write, we basically just worked hard this week. Today we played volleyball as a district and had a good time.

Yesterday, none of our investigators went to church, so that was a little bit frustrating. Our best investigator is Linda. She is 12 years old and she wants to be baptized. She wasn´t able to go to church yesterday because she participates in Gymnastics competitions.

That´s about it for the week, it´s a lot more interesting when I can talk about awesome lessons that we had. We´re looking hard for new investigators. Anyway, I love you guys!

-Elder Steele

Here´s a few pictures we took one day this week when we saw 2 cows randomly roaming the neighborhood street.

In this last picture, the cow kinda scared us that´s why it shows us looking back just as I took the selfie.  There is garbage like that whenever there is an abandoned house. The neighbors pile all their garbage in the house that is empty. And there are a ton of abandoned houses, you can imagine.

We played volleyball as a district today

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