Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 61 Villa Bonita

Hey guys! 

This week was pretty interesting. If you remember that last week I had told you that I would be going to the leadership council meeting. It turns out that the meeting was in Los Mochis, Sinaloa. We stayed the night Wednesday with the Assistants, and at 5 in the morning, president picked us up and we drove to Los Mochis in his mini-van. It was awesome being back on that side of the mission for a day. I'm pretty sure we passed close to where my old area was.

They told us that we were going to work in a field in Cuatro Milpas as a service project. What it really was, was a field trip to learn about the whole process of making potato chips. It was really interesting. Thinking I would be working hard in a field, I did not bring a camara, but if you would like to see photos, I'm sure that there are some on the Facebook page.

My companion and I were the only ones in the meeting that weren't zone leaders, but they invited me because I've had baptisms in 7 consecutive months, which apparently in the most consistent in the mission. President made me stand in front of all the leaders in the mission and tell them my "secret to success." I felt really nervous and weird, especially when they applauded me at the end. I guess they're zone leaders for a reason, because they're good at motivating people. I sure felt motivated at the end of the meeting.

In the meeting, I got to see my first 2 companions, Elder Coello and Elder Martinez. It was a cool experience. We also took a 4 generation picture while we were in the potato field. Elder Funk (my grandpa), Elder Coello (my dad), me, and Elder Alvarenga (my son). I don´t have the picture, but hopefully I get it someday.

This week we've had some interesting teaching experiences:

First of all, we've been teaching Monica and Maria. They both live with less active members of the church. Both of them have been to the church 3 times and are excited to be baptized. We found out that they and their husbands are married, but all to different people. All four of them would have to get divorced and remarried if they were to be baptized. And that process takes forever and costs a ton, especially here in Mexico.

We were teaching an inactive lady named Margarita. We have gained so much of her confidence that she tells us everything. She apparently has been listening to a lot of apostacy lately. She told us that she has been listening to YouTube videos from a women who claims to have heard messages from the 9 arc-argels. She describes the angels as over 2 meters tall with long blonde hair. Apparently the angels deliver messages from God saying that we shouldn´t eat meat and that the earth is going to blow up unless we stop using petroleum. I amazed myself because I didn´t start laughing while she was telling us such apostacy. She sincerely believes in the 9 arc-argels and wants to protect her children and grandkids. It was a very interesting lesson. If you want to see what I´m talking about, she said they´re called "Guardianes del Universo."

Yesterday we had a lesson with a lady, and it was going really well. We taught her the restoration and invited her to be baptized. I said "will you follow the example of Jesus Christ be being baptized be someone who holds the authority of God?" She surprised me when she said "I was baptized in the mormon church when I was 10" Then there was an awkward silence for about 10 seconds, and I said "Que bueno," "just go to church I guess." It was an interesting lesson.

We've been teaching the Fraijo Family for some time now. We´ve taught them the first 3 lessons and put a baptism date, which they accepted. They told us that they had been to our church a long time ago and liked it. Yesterday and we were looking through the huge ward directory, we found them. They are already members. We´ve been visiting them for weeks now and never told us that they were baptized, in fact when I asked them, they responded no. I can´t believe they played us like that.

I'll end with our investigator Linda. She is 12 years old and her parents and sister are members. She went to church yesterday and I feel like she will be baptized.

That´s about it for the week. I wrote a lot. Love you guys!

-Elder Steele

Here´s a picture of me last week when I thought I might get transferred.
 I´m with my convert Omar, who I baptized my first week in Villa Bonita. 
6 months later, and he´s still going to church.

Here is Ivan the same day that I took the picture with Omar.

Do you remember who those guys are?  
They are zone leaders in other areas now.  It was GREAT to see them again!
 My old companion Elder Martinez is in Navajoa.
My companion Elder Coello is in Los Mochis.
He was my trainer. 

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