Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 64 Villa Bonita

Hey guys,

This week was a really normal week. No crazy stories or anything. This week we taught a lot of people. Being in Villa Bonita for 5 transfers now, it´s been a little difficult finding new people to teach. A few weeks ago, we decided to work with an inactive member who is in a alcoholic recovery group. We helped him get to church, and he gave us a ton of referrals of friends in that group. I think that some of them could progress really well seeing that they are all trying to change their lives.

This week we had surprise divisions with the zone leaders. They showed up to the house without warning with the Senior couple, Elder and Sister Downs to check our house. To their surprise, our house was actually really clean. I went to the area of the zone leaders. We had a lot of success there. We found 4 new investigators. Too bad it wasn't in my own area. 

I´m having a tough time again thinking about what to write. The best part of the week is that the sister missionaries in my district had 2 baptisms yesterday. It was actually really cool. What I think is really interesting is that the only month that my companion and I don´t have a baptism, my district has 7. My district is the best.

We kinda forgot that it was Easter. They don´t celebrate it in Mexico. And it was Sunday so we couldn't really buy anything good to eat. I´m actually doing really well. My companion is awesome, my district is awesome. The only thing that is frustrating is that we haven´t had a baptism in a while, but it´s all fine. We just need to learn new ways to find people when the members already gave us all their references.

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