Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 4 in the CCM

Hey Everybody! 
This week is gonna be difficult to talk about. Not much happened except for one kinda scary thing that most of you probably don´t want to hear about. I guess I´ll share it anyway.

As I said last week, my district was assigned to be ushers for the devotionals. (We had a really hilarious initiation by the previous ushers, but that´s not important) We are in charge of seating everybody in an orderly fashion and then we take a seat in the back row away from everyone else. We sit there so we can see whats happening outside the auditorium and to seat anyone who arrives late. Anyway, on Tuesday night, during the devotional, something really scary happened. 

For some reason, three of the guys from my district had to go the bathroom at the same time during the devotional. I had the feeling to get up and walk over to the bathroom, even though I didn´t even have to go, but I ignored that feeling. The bathroom near the auditorium is huge, and for some reason, my district leader Elder Stephens, decided to use the stall all the way at the very end of the bathroom.

After a few minutes of being in the bathroom, he heard someone just outside his stall talking to himself and pacing around in circles. It was some Latino and it was that guys very first day. Elder Stephens can understand spanish, so it scared him to hear what he was talking about. I don´t wanna scare anyone, but he was talking to the devil about some really dark stuff.

Elder Stephens got out of the stall to try to fix this. The Latino was shaking as if he was nervous, and he continued mumbling spanish. He was not himself, he had something inside of him "possessing" him I guess you could say. Elder Stephens ran out to get President Jones. When I saw him get President Jones, I still had no clue what was going on, but I could tell it was serious because I have never seen President Jones look so distressed. When President Jones entered the bathroom, the poor Latino looked at President Jones, and slowly backed up as if he was scared for his life. President Jones got him to snap out of it, and they went to talk to the psychologist.

I am glad that I wasn´t in the bathroom during all that time. Even afterwards when I walked into the bathroom, I could feel the presence of something very dark. We were all scared that night, and none of us could stop thinking about the demon thing that was present during our devotional. We knew what we had to do.

When we got back to the casa, we all knelt down as a district and prayed to God. It was an amazing experience. Elder Stephens said the prayer, and he asked God to cast out any unwanted spirits, and then he asked God to send us his spirit, stronger than we have ever felt before. I have never had a prayer answered so fast. The dark feeling immediately left my heart, and it felt as if God was hugging me, I could feel the spirit so strongly.

What I learned from this experience is that the power of Satan is real. More importantly though, the power of God is real too, and it will always be more powerful than Satan. That night, I thought of the scripture in Joshua 1:9 that says "Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee, withersoever thou goest.

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