Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 5 - CCM

4 more days in the CCM! I leave Monday at 2:00 to go to Ciudad Obregón. My P-Day will then be on Mondays probably, so that is when I will be sending emails. I´m super excited to get there, I definitely feel ready. I finally know all the grammar rules in Spanish, now all I need to do is practice speaking Spanish and learn more words.

Last week they made me the new District Leader just for the last week and a half of the CCM. As District Leader, I try to keep my District focused on what they need to be doing. It´s kinda difficult during the last week because everyone has "senioritus" I guess you could say. If anyone does anything stupid, I´m the one that gets in trouble because I´m supposed to know where everyone is and all that.

I wish I had more interesting things to talk about. Every week here in Mexico City is about the same. I haven´t left the CCM since we went to the consulate 2 weeks ago. After Monday, I´ll finally have experiences worth telling everyone because I´ll be out in the field. My first companion in the field will be a Latino guy, so it´ll be super awesome. I love talking to the Latinos.

When we get really bored here, we will try to remember some of the songs that we used to listen to back in America, and we´ll try to translate the lyrics into Spanish. Also, we translate some funny sayings into spanish. Also we stop daily at the tienda to buy Chokis and JuMex. Good stuff.

When the newer districts come to the CCM, we always welcome them with skits, and some of them are pretty funny. My skit was teaching them helpful spanish words because most of the new guys don´t know any spanish. I taught them that "ummm" is "morsa" in spanish. Also "I need a moment" is "necesito un matón." "No more regrets" is "No más sacapuntas." I taught them cognates, or spanish words that sound like english words. So obviously, "Estoy embarazada" is "I am embarrassed" right? My favorite one is when I taught them to refer to the brethren of the priesthood as "hechiceros." I´m a pretty good teacher.

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