Monday, May 18, 2015

Week 19 Ahome

Hey guys. 
This week felt like the first week a the mission again. A new companion is a pretty big change. My companions name is Elder Martinez. He has 9 months in the mission. He is from Aguascalientes Mexico. He is super chill. He doesn´t know any english except for little words here and there. I think his accent is super awesome, especially when he says English words. He loves super spicy food. That´s just a little information about him.

At the beginning of the week it was a little tough for me. I had to do all the planning, figure out how to get our fridge back, and our phone ran out of minutes. I didn´t even know that phones still used minutes. During this week, I showed my comp all our area and we taught a lot of investigators. I learned a lot from watching my companions methods of teaching. We gave talks yesterday in church; they were so much better than last time because I had time in advance to prepare. 

On Tuesday, I taught the first English class to our district. Since the district changed, there are 2 Americans and 8 Latinos. I taught the Latinos how to say a prayer in English and tomorrow we will learn how to bear a testimony in English.

In Ahome right now, there are a ton of people working to harvest all the corn, and in about a week or two all the Mangos will be ripe. I´ve tasted some of the early mangos, and they are so good. That´s about it for the week. Have a fun last week of school. Adios!

Me and my new companion Elder Martinez

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