Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 22 Ahome

Hey guys, 
It´s getting kinda difficult to write different things that keep the letters interesting. Here´s a few things that happened this week.

On Tuesday we got chased by a dog. We outran it until it gave up, and it didn´t bite us. It was a good adrenaline rush.

Also on Tuesday we were given a ton a mangos. They are probably going to rot in our kitchen because there is no way we can eat all of them.

On Wednesday we chopped down a tree with an axe. I sweat so much and I got about 7 blisters on my hand. This week was even hotter than the last week, but I´m slowly getting used to the heat. You just need to deal with the fact that you constantly drip sweat.

Update on the choir: They are singing 2 songs. "Santos Avanzad" (Press Forward Saints) and "Con Fe Absoluta" They have no sheet music for "Con Fe Absoluta." Luckily the song is pretty simple and I learned to play the vocal part by ear on the piano. It´s a really pretty song. The choir still sounds pretty bad, but they have improved a lot.

Today has been the exception to the weather. It feels amazing. It is really windy and sand and dust always blow in your face, but other than that it´s really nice. 

That was the week. ¡Adios!

This is the tree that we cut down.

This is Alex my buddy. He is the son of Bishop and Tere Hernandez 

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