Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 24 Ahome

Hey guys! 
Transfers came and I am staying in Ahome with my companion Elder Martinez. There is a lot of work to be done is Ahome.

This week we had a meeting by President Benjamin de Oyos who is president of the Area of Mexico. He taught a very good motivational message to us about the Lord´s way of doing missionary work.

The week was extremely hot again, and our little AC unit is barely making it through. One night during the week was especially difficult to sleep because we were fasting, so we were hungry, thirsty, sweaty, hot, and there was a loud party going on next door. We have to make it 2 more transfers of insane heat, and then it should calm down.

On Sunday, we had Ward conference, and the choir that I was helping sang. The best part of the conference was that Saul, our recently reactivated recent convert (if that makes sense) spoke and he did a great job. I felt good because we have spent months trying to help him and know he is happier than ever.

The best food I ate this week was a Roosterfish. It was the largest and most delicious fish I have ever tasted. Sister Teresita feeds us good here in Ahome.

That´s the week! I´m doing real good here in Mexico and surviving the heat. I hope that everyone is doing ok back home with all the bad storms and everything. Hasta Luego!

Choir for Ward Conference

Eating with the Hernandez family
That was a fish. There were nine of us there and we couldn´t eat half of it. 
It was the most delicious fish I have ever tasted in my life. It is called pescado gallo. I don´t know what that is in English. It literally translates to Rooster Fish.

Here is us at the church before the transfers
Hna Davila who is by me left to Ciudad Obregón. The poor girl is going to die in the heat there.

This is the last picture. Lunch today was spaghetti with piña-colada. Good stuff.
That´s my study desk at the house. On Mondays we always make our own lunch. 
Spaghetti hardly exists in Mexico.

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