Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 52 Feliz Año Nuevo!

Happy New Year!  

2016 started off with two baptisms: Ivan and Abraham. Abraham is Genesis´s older brother, if you remember who is Genesis, she is the little girl who was crying in the cold water as I baptized her. 

Abraham was actually baptized 7 years ago but was never confirmed, and there is no record of his baptism, so we did it again. Abraham was only here on vacation, but that doesn´t matter to us, we taught him extremely quickly and got him baptized. He´s already back in Mexicali where he lives. I´m gonna keep in contact with him through his mom to make sure he is actually going to church.

Ivan is a really smart kid. His mom is actually an inactive member, so that made it a little bit easier to baptize him. His dad didn´t support his baptism very much. He says that he is catholic, but his Ivan´s mom claims he is atheist. His mom got us permission from his dad to baptize Ivan, but Thursday (2 days after the baptism) we went to visit Ivan in his dad´s house. It was the first time that we had seen his dad. He opened the door and said "His mom gave him permission, not me. If you want to see Ivan, it has to be in his mom´s house, because this house is catholic, goodbye" Then he slammed the door in our face. We hadn´t even said a word. We also had brought Ivan´s friend with us to the lesson. I have been rejected before, but that was actually the first time that someone has actually slammed a door in my face and it was our recent convert´s dad.

When we saw Ivan at Church yesterday for his confirmation the first thing he said to us was "I told you guys not to go to my dad´s house on Thursdays" Ivan is such a good kid. He actually bore his testimony the day of his confirmation. The world really isn´t fair, how an extremely good kid can get stuck with 2 horrible parents is something I don´t understand. I´m just glad I got put with 2 amazing parents.

Tomorrow we´re going to have another baptism. We are going to baptize Orlando´s mom Andrea. We already had her interview and she is extremely ready. She is a single mom of three kids, and one grandkid, and she struggles a lot to get by. She doesn´t even have a fridge in her house. She worked herself to death to try to buy a few things for her kids for Christmas. When we taught her about the Sabbath Day, she said that she would stop working on Sunday even though her job is to make food for parties and the majority of parties happen on Sunday. She also used to drink 5 cups of coffee a day and she quit the day we taught her the word of wisdom. She knows that through her great sacrifices, that she will be greatly blessed. I have never met someone with so much faith.

I can´t believe that we are in 2016 and at the end of this year I will be with my family. My goal is to have at least one baptism in every month of this year. I already have baptisms for 6 months in a row. I have seen a lot of miracles in 2015 and 2016 will be much better, now that I actually know what I´m doing, jaja. I want to wish you all a happy new year, and I hope that you all experience changes in this new year that will make you happier. I love you guys a ton.

-Elder Steele

We had two more baptisms this week. Here´s some of the pictures
The two that got baptized are Abraham (15-year old) and Ivan (11 years old.) 
The guy that baptized them is Arturo Bahena. 

Ivan and his family at his baptism
Arturo Bahena and his wife and kids are in the pictures with Ivan and his family 

 The baptism of Abraham
 Abraham and his family
Abraham´s sister is Genesis, the little girl we baptized a little while ago.

We had a zone meeting and this is the majority of our zone.

Today we went bowling as a zone because our zone had the most
baptisms this month
 (just 10, which is sad)

We brought our friend Moroni Bahena with us, 

because he has helped us get a lot of our baptisms.
After bowling we ate fish tacos, then we bought our food at Walmart.

 And now we are here.
I had the best score on our team, but from the whole zone, 
I think our team did the worst. 
It was really fun though. I haven´t gone bowling in a long time.

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