Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 55 Villa Bonita

It was my first week with my son, Elder Alvarenga. We get along great. I feel bad because in his first week we did a ton of walking because so many of our appointments fell through and we've had to leave a lot of our investigators and start finding new ones. So this week, we didn´t have a lot of success, but I´m not too worried because we had an amazing start to this coming week. Yesterday after church we had 5 lessons with members present and found 5 new investigators. My companion did his first baptismal invitation, and the investigator accepted.

At church we only had two investigators: Ricardo and Pablo Ruiz. We are still planning on baptizing Ricardo February 2nd.

We have a zone conference tomorrow and I was asked to give the training. I'm a little bit nervous, but it should be a good experience for me. I actually don't have much time left because I've been trying to plan my training. 

Have a good week everybody! 

-Elder Steele

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