Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 56 Villa Bonita

Hey guys! 

This was pretty amazing for us. Last week I was a little disappointed by our lack of success, but this week was my best week ever when it comes to lessons to investigators. We taught 15 lessons with members present and 7 others. The standard of excellence is 18 and we had 22! I got pretty pumped by that.

I am focusing on teaching to people that I feel like are going to progress and be baptized, so if I can´t imagine them in white clothes in the baptismal font, I leave them. We have left many of our new investigators already and found new ones.

We will have a baptism tomorrow for Ricardo. He is Ivan´s older brother. We were going to baptize Luis Angel also, but he hasn´t been to church in 2 weeks and we want to make sure that he wants to be baptized for his own desire and not just the make his girlfriend (the bishop´s daughter) happy.

We have a lot of interesting new investigators to talk about.

Cristo: That´s right, his name is Christ in spanish! We found him as we were going through the member directory looking for all the less-active members in Villa Bonita. His mom and sister are both members that left the church because another member offended them. I helped them understand things and they want to come back to church. They are really interesting and the missionaries that baptized them were huge fritos. jajaja. They said that their what happened in their house doesn't leave their house, and they told us stories of everything the missionaries did there.

Maria: She is 81 years old and crazy. She loves listening to the gospel and tells the weirdest stories. For example, she told us that she read about when Jesus appeared in a Jail in Hermosillo and chose 12 apostles. He supposedly proved he was Christ by washing their feet. After that, they took off and no one knows where they went. She believed that story... She doesn't hear well, but she remembers well. We taught her about prophets and how our church is the true church and she told us she wants to be baptized in the same way that Jesus was baptized like we had explained to her. I just hope she is sane enough to baptize.

The rest of our investigators are pretty normal. We are just hoping that they´ll go to church.

I´m enjoying the mission a lot and I´m enjoying being a trainer. I´m trying to help my hijo enjoy the mission and I think he´s excited for his first baptism tomorrow. I´m pretty excited too. 

Love you guys!

-Elder Steele


As a family we felt bad that he didn't receive any of our emails we sent last week.  It was hard when we received ours from him, but he didn't hear anything from us.   He mentioned in the email last week that he didn't get any emails.  We kept trying to say Hi, but nothing was going through.  It was sad as a mom to hear this.  
We were very happy as a family to hear that he got all of our letters today from last week.
Technology can be so frustrating when it doesn't work, but it is SUCH A BLESSING overall!

Elder Steele..."I got the letter as I logged in today. But that´s fine. It just gave me more to read today."

Mom...I asked him how is training went last week... 

Elder Steele responded..."It turned out that I didn't give my training. It´s because the mission president talked for a long time and didn't give me time for it. But I'm alright with that. I was pretty nervous. It wasn't just our zone, but it was a multi-zone conference with the mission president.  Actually at the end of the conference they gave us vaccinations-Flu shot. I was so nervous about my training and then letting other missionaries inject me that I almost passed out. I felt super light-headed that I laid myself down at a table after the injection.

Mom...As soon as he said the word vaccinations, before I read anything else I thought, Oh NO! I hope he didn't passed out.  I think that is a hereditary thing to pass out around our family.  His younger brother Tanner does that too. When he was getting shots for his mission, he passed out really bad at the doctors office.  I'm so glad he recognized it and laid down before he did a full pass out.  
The tough guys have the hardest time with needles right??

Elder Steele.."Things with my new comp are pretty good. It´s interesting to be with a new missionary and remember what I was like what I got to the mission. He left a girlfriend that he had been with for 5 years, I imagine that would be pretty hard. We have a lot of work to do when it comes to his teaching. I will teach one principle and motion for him to teach the next principle. He will talk for about 15 seconds about something and then give the time back to me. He is super shy and doesn't talk very much."

"He also has a really cool accent being from El Salvador. I think the sister missionaries are in love with his voice. His city, San Salvador is extremely dangerous; he´s told me a few crazy stories. A member told us that he saw a list of the most dangerous cities in the world and San Salvador was number 2. (He also said that Ciudad Obregón was number 10."

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