Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 66 Villa Bonita

The mission is going by super fast. I can´t believe I´ve been here for 15 months now. Normally the transfers would be today, but this transfer there are 7 weeks, so I get to enjoy Villa Bonita a little bit more. I´m pretty sure that next week I will be in a different area considering that I´ve been in this area for more that 7 months.

We have some interesting investigators. I guess I could talk about them.

Andres: He was an investigator that we had found back in November, but we left him. We started teaching him again a few weeks ago. It´s been really interesting. We actually have a nickname for him. It is Cholísimo. He´s had a crazy past. We had to find out if he had killed anyone so that we could be sure that he could get baptized. I asked him if he had in his life done anything really bad. He started explained some crazy stuff that he had done. I had to interupt him and ask him directly if he has killed anyone. Luckily he said no.

Lalo: He is a little 9-year old boy. His mom (Monica) is another investigator that we would´ve baptized a long time ago if she wasn´t forced to get married by her father when she was 14 years old. In Mexico it is extremely extensive to get a divorce and remarry. Lalo´s step-dad is a less active member. We were actually planning to baptize Lalo tomorrow, but he wasn´t able to come to church. It´s because he´s not able to go to church on his own and his mom had a baby through c-section on Thursday and obviously is still in recovery.

Linda: We actually haven´t been able to teach her in a long time because she´s has been actively preparing for a gynastics competition every single day. We went last night to visit her. Apparently she got medals in 3 events and will be able to start coming to church again. Her whole family are less active members so it shouldn´t be that hard to baptize her soon.

This week we had 8 new investigators. We´re going to see if they progress or not. We´ve had a lot of disappointments be a lot of our investigators when they don´t keep their commitments. This week I´m going to focus on preparing my companion to take control of the area so it doesn´t die once I leave. I know he´ll do good, he´s a great Elder. I will be so surprised if they don´t change me, and truthfully, I want to stay in Villa Bonita. I´ve been here for half my mission now.

Well, that´s it for the week. I love you guys and wish you a great week.
-Elder Steele

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