Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 68 Jardines Obregón

Well, this week was awesome. It was my first week as zone leader and it is a lot easier than I expected. It´s pretty much the same as what I did before as district leader, but instead of working with each missionary, I work mainly with the district leaders. The district leaders are Elder Bragg (my old zone leader), Elder Martinez (my old companion and ex-zone leader), and Elder Bradford (a missionary that I almost trained). They are all great guys.

My companion is a super cool guy. His name is Elder John Yoo, and pretty much everyone loves him. He turned 21 yesterday and 2 different members got cakes for him and others bought him gifts. He is teaching me a lot of stuff. He knows how to teach really well compared to my other companions. He also knows a ton about music, and if you know me than you know I love music. He has perfect pitch, which is a rare gift. It means that he can hear any sound and know exactly what note it is. You could tell him to sing an F and he could do it easily. Basically he is a prodigy child. He is teaching me music theory, and with that, I am learning how to play the guitar a little bit better. I think I´m going to buy myself one when my companion leaves with his.

I got to my new area at the perfect time. My companion had been teaching some super chosen investigators and on Saturday we had 3 baptisms. I only got to teach them a few times before their baptism, and they are amazing converts. We were able to find a lot of new investigators this week too. Here´s a little bit about my new converts and the investigators.

Maria: She is a little old lady who has studied a few different churches already. She amazed me with how much she effort she has put into learning about the church. We were able to do a service project for her on Thursday helping her remodel her home. She was baptized on Saturday. 

Milagros: She is Maria´s little 9 year old granddaughter. The name Milagros means "Miracles" but is actually quite a common name. They call her "Millie." She is a super cute little girl with a wonderful personality. The first day she met me she immediately started talking to me as if I was one of her favorite people. She was baptized with her grandma on Saturday.

Gabriel: He has been a member of the church since he was 8 years old, but was baptized in Hermosillo. The bishop had been looking for his church records for 2 months and couldn't find them. We then told president about him, and he searched for the records. When they couldn´t be found, he told us to baptize Gabriel again. So, we baptized him on Saturday.

Ivon: She is Milagros mom. She has been learning about the church since the missionaries started teaching her family, she just hadn't had the chance to go yet. The first time she went was Friday to the Church activity, then Saturday to the baptism, and Sunday to church. She looks super happy whenever she is with her mom and daughter at church. She should be baptized in 2 or 3 weeks.

I´ll end with the investigators here. I want to talk a little bit about the activity that we had on Friday. It was called "Viaje a Hawaii" (Trip to Hawaii). It was super cool. It started out in the Chapel, everyone was sitting down as if they were in a plane and there were flight attendants handing out treats and stuff. There was a video playing of the plane taking off and a few minutes later the plane crashed. Everyone supposedly dies and enters the Spirit world. We were dressed in White as if we were angels and started the tour. We had decorated rooms to represent the Telestial, Terestrial, and Celestial kingdoms. Members in each room explained what they did to deserve their kingdom and how they felt. It was a really cool activity. We (my companion mostly) did a good job.

I´m out of time, next week I´ll have to explain more. I love you guys. Good Luck Mishae on your mission! Bye!!!

-Elder Steele

Bad news for the seems like my camera stopped working and I haven´t been able to take pictures all week, which kinda sucks because this week was awesome....well actually...It´s because another Elder dropped it while he was borrowing it and know the camera doesn't know how to read the memory chip. 
It´s ok, the pictures should all be on facebook. I already have some great friends with the members of this ward.

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