Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 67 Last Week in Villa Bonita. New Area Jardines Obregón!

Well, I am in Jardines now. I´m missing Villa Bonita already. It´s like my home there. So many memories.
I didn't get transferred very far. I`m in Obregón still in a ward called Jardines (Gardens) 

I don´t have much more time actually. It´ll be a short letter. I have a new assignment. I am now zone leader after being district leader for 5 transfers in Pioneros. I´m super excited. My companion is the most loved missionary in the whole mission. His name is Elder Yoo. He is from California. He is my first gringo companion, but I don´t know if he really counts, seeing that he is also Korean. He really is an awesome guy, and he plays the piano like a boss.

My new zone is going to be awesome. Two of my old companions are district leaders in my zone. Elder Martinez and Elder Juarez. I´m super pumped. That´s all that time gave me to say this week. I love you guys!

-Elder Steele

 This is Elder Osborn and I. It´s from 2 weeks ago. He just got made zone leader as well.Elder Osborn started in Ahome just like me. He is super cool. He is the zone leader in my old zone now. It kinda surprised us because he had never even been district leader. He`ll do good though.

Here is Elder Alvarenga and I as we decided to explore a little more our area. There is an awesome canal.
Here is our district (except for the assistants)
 I´m going to miss this district like crazy. We were such good friends. 
Just so you remember the names, they go: Elder Alvarenga is from El Salvador is from California, Elder Sullivan is from California , Elder Poaletti is from New Jersey (but will go to BYU) He is a new zone leader, me, Sister Kinard is from Alabama, and Sister Cruz is from Hidalgo, Mexico.  

Elder Poaletti is now in Los Mochis as zone leader, and Sister Cruz is in Navajoa.

Here is Elder Reader and me. He was my first zone leader in the mission.
He extended his mission one transfer and finally he is with his family.

Here is the last picture with Elder Rojas. Who knows when I´ll see him again.

Here is us with the bishop and his wife.
This is my favorite family from the ward. The Iriarte Family.

This is Netzahualcoyotl Iriarte. 
He is super awesome. Everything he says makes me laugh.

Here is Silvia Bravo. She is an amazing lady. She made us the strangest things to eat.
For example, I ate Cahuamanta, which is sea turtle (which is illegal).

Here is the Relief Society President, Sister Diana Ruiz. 
We went to visit her last night, and I told her that I was moving to Jardines. 
She said that she lived there when she was younger. 
Then she gave us 10 referrals of friends of hers to go teach. That was awesome.It was pretty awesome. 

We used to wash our clothes in her house, and sometimes we did have enough time to finish washing the clothes and we had to go to an appointment. She always jokingly got mad at us saying "those lessons better end in baptisms or you´re washing clothes by hand" And honestly, they all did. She is an amazing woman. As missionaries, we have "Mama Galletas" (cookie moms). Basically its the member that treats you like her own child. I had 6 of them in Villa Bonita.
1: Noya Iriarte
2: Blanca Bahena
3: Soledad Cisneros (Genesis´s mom. I didn`t get a picture with her)
4: Diana Ruiz
5: Margarita Espinosa
6: Juanita Ruiz

Here is my convert, Elvia. Chuy wasn't there but I wanted a picture with him. They always tell us the transfers too late and we don`t have enough time to visit everyone to say goodbye. I only got pictures with a few of my converts.

Here is Marlene Alcantar with 2 of her grandkids, Yu-Yo and Michelle. I think I´ve talked about Yu-Yo before. He gave me one of his Hotwheels cars so that I would remember him, so I gave him the one you guys gave me in the Christmas package.

Here are Orlando and his mom Andrea, two more of my converts.

Here is Margarita Espinoza and 2 of her grandchildren.

Here are some of the Bahena Family.
Moroni is the guy that always goes with us to teach people

Here is the best last picture that I think I have with Elder Alvarenga in front of our house.

Here we are getting ready to go the the Bus. We are the 4 missionaries that worked in Villa Bonita. 
That´s why we are trying to make a VB with our fingers.

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