Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 79 Jardines Obregón

Hey guys,

My letter is going to be really short today. Today was transfers. Elder Yoo went to Navajoa. I´m gonna miss that Korean a lot. He isn´t zone leader anymore, which should be good, so that he can take it easy for the last 3 months of his mission. They did put him with one of the most lazy missionaries (and fattest) missionaries in the mission. Elder Yoo is going to work him to death, jaja.

My new companion is Elder Loveland. He seems like a good boy. He is from Alpine Utah and was the fastest promoted missionary in the mission. He was put as zone leader when he had just finished his 4th transfer in the field. Now he has one year and a lot of experience as zone leader. (He is also the richest companion I have ever had too. That´ll be nice.) jajaja.

I think Elder Yoo was happy to go. Just for the fact that our ward is so un-organized. Yesterday in Elders Quorum, the Elders Quorum president started giving the class, or in other words, he read the book for about 30 minutes. Everyone was so bored, Elder Yoo and I remembered that the Stake President was in the building, so we left to invite him into the class. He reluctantly came in, sat down, and fell asleep. After 10 more minutes, he woke up and walked out. So much for training the priesthood leaders in their callings.

Well, That´s it for the complaints this week. Here´s a few fun stories:

It finally rained!! On Tuesday we were teaching a lesson in the middle of the Machi-Lopez in front of some Cholo´s house. It started to rain so hard, and instead of inviting us inside, he told us to come back another day. So we left, and we didn´t have anywere to go. The Machi is known as the most Ghetto area of all Obregón. The streets are all dirt, and because of the lack of drainage system the streets turned into rivers. We got completely drenched, but I enjoyed it honestly.

I have another story, but the Cyber guy is kicking us out because he wants to close. I love you guys, have a fantastic week.

-Elder Steele

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