Monday, July 18, 2016

Week 80 Jardines Obregón

Hey, we´re going to go back to our area. We´ve been in the bus station waiting for my companion to get from Guaymas. I get back online when we get to the cyber in our area...

Hey guys! 

This week was a pretty great week. It was the first week with my new companion Elder Loveland. He´s actually a pretty cool guy. I don´t know why, but he has a slight southern accent when he talks in English. He´s from Utah. He´s making me speak that way too on accident, but we get a laugh out of it.

Today Elder Loveland went to Guaymas to renew his visa and since yesterday I´ve been in divisions with the coolest guy in the mission, Elder Martinez. We had a great time together. He´s going home in 5 weeks. 

This week we finally were able to bring some progressing investigators to church again after a few really bad weeks. One of the people that came to church was Haydee. She is the sister of Genesis and Abraham. (My converts from Villa Bonita). A few months ago I randomly saw Haydee and her son Christopher in the street and I got their new address. We were finally able to visit them and she and her fiance went to church. 

Another story that I cant remember if I told has to do with a girl named Elizabeth. I´ve talked about her already. She is the 14-year old that just had a baby a while back. This week she was able to get her baby from the hospital. The amazing thing is that we invited her and her boyfriend Juan to get married and they said yes. Then we asked Elizabeth´s mom who was right there if she would be ok with that and she also said yes.

That has to be one of the most gutsy invitations that I have made on my mission. I told a 14 year-old girl that she was sinning and then invited her to get married in front of her mom. And they humbly accepted. Inviting someone to be baptized is nothing now.

I´m almost out of time. Right now we are going to go visit Paula, who should be getting married real soon. I´m not sure which day yet but we keep pressuring them. Thanks for all the letters you send me. Have a great week everyone!

-Elder Steele

Additional things mentioned this week:

Here´s some news that would be better if I didn't include it in the big letter. The sister missionaries who work in our ward got robbed this week. Someone broke into their house, stole 4 fans, a bag of colored pencils and markers, and yogurt and a donut from the fridge. Yesterday the sisters found the bag of colored pencils and markers outside their house. It looked like they decided to return it. We joke that the robber was just hungry and really hot and that´s why he just stole some fans and a donut.

Also, I think I´m used to the heat now. Our main AC broke the last week with Elder Yoo. So for almost 2 weeks we studied and ate in the bedroom. This week we got the big AC fixed and we´re doing fine now.

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