Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 10 Ahome

Hey everybody! 
Happy Spring Break for those of you back home :) This week was pretty eventful. Here are the highlights of each day.

Monday: We had crazy problems with our house. Our toilet wasn´t working all day long, and we had mouse poop all over our kitchen again when we woke up. After P-Day we went to a members house to teach, and they asked me if I would teach them some piano lessons. It´s gonna be hard teaching spanish piano lessons, but I´m excited to try.

Tuesday: The highlight of the day was when an investigator gave us a picture of Christ that he drew.

Wednesday: We had a training meeting for 6 hours, but we got pizza afterwards so it was worth it.

Thursday: We caught a mouse in a trap that we borrowed from a member. We killed it by shaking the trap really hard. A random stranger bought us Hot Dogs because he says we work really hard. We don´t know everyone here in Ahome, but they see us, and recognize us.

Friday: We taught a very frustrating lesson. The people agreed with everything we told them, but they didn´t at the same time. It´s hard to explain but it was just frustrating.

Saturday: We killed a second mouse by beating it with brooms. I think we are mouse free finally. We went on splits with some members. I taught the old man Octavio and a brand new investigator without the help of my companion. The experience proved to me that I can teach better than I thought without my companion.

Sunday: At church, we were asked to speak during the meeting, with literally no time to prepare anything. I walked up with nothing on my mind, but thoughts came to me as I just spoke. I was kinda nervous, but there are only like 60 people at the church, and they have all seen me make a fool out of myself before and they know I can´t speak spanish well. At the end of church, I took a picture with a kid who looks like a younger, mexican version of myself.

That was my week! Hasta luego :)

Here is our mouse-trap. Animals are everywhere here. It works great. The mice don´t die when you shake it though. I shook it and it looked dead, so I went to take a shower and when I came back it was moving around again.

My companion and the mousetrap.

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