Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 9 Ahome

This week marked 2 months for me in México. Only 22 more to go! It´s going by pretty fast though. Once I´m done with 12 weeks in the field it should go by even faster because that´s when training is over.

It´s starting to get really hot, and there are a lot of mosquitos here so that´s great. The mosquitos are nothing compared to the cockroaches and mice. Every morning we have about 3 cockroaches in the shower; I think they live in the drain. Also, we are trying to kill a mouse that has been pooping everywhere in our kitchen. It´s pretty disgusting.

Teaching has been a little challenging. No one wants to go to church. We committed 4 investigators to attend church with us on Sunday, but when we went by their houses to meet them before church, only one of them was even home. Octavio is the only investigator that goes to church. He is a really old man who uses a wheelchair, has about 4 teeth, and is considered mentally insane by his neice. Also I can´t understand hardly anything that he says. He is hilariously to teach though.

I went on splits on Friday, so I got the opportunity to be with our Zone Leader, Elder Cole, and work in Los Mochis for one day. It was so much nicer. I got to speak English to Elder Cole. We didn´t have to walk far to get anywhere, and all the roads were paved. We went to this old lady´s house, and she started preparing us food, even though we had just eaten lunch an hour before and were really full. She made us a huge plate of black beans, and a tortilla that was the thickness of a pancake and really disgusting. It was so bad, I almost puked with every bite. I have eaten so many beans here. When we were almost done and ready to die, she gave us 3 cobs of cold corn with a cream on it. We ate every bite of the food.

A lady in Los Mochis who can speak a little bit of English told us that people in Sinaloa speak faster Spanish than anywhere else in Mexico. That is probably why I´m struggling to understand spanish when I could understand it a lot better at the CCM in Mexico City. I´m getter better with each day. I write down words and phrases that I hear that I don´t know and that seems to be helping me. I understand really well when we are talking about the Gospel, but other things still go right over my head.

Anyway, this week has been pretty good. With every new challenge, I just tell myself that it´s all part of the experience.

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