Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 8 Ahome

Hey guys! 
My last email was pretty long, I´ll try to keep this one short and to the point.

The first couple weeks in the mission field is extremely difficult. Those of you returned missionaries probably know exactly how I´m feeling. The important thing is that I keep working. For you guys getting ready to leave the CCM, it will be tough in California. Read the book, Adjusting to Missionary Life frequently, because it´s super helpful.

We have had our bad days and good days this week. We visit a lot of people, and a it seems like most of the time, they aren´t home. We don´t go around knocking on peoples doors, because most of them don´t have doors. I´ve seen some of the poorest houses ever. They have no roofs, cardboard is stapled to wood for walls, and some have dirt floors. There are always kids playing outside in the dirt. Our lessons are getting better, and I´m talking and understanding more everyday

The most difficult challenge we have in our area is getting the people to come to church. Yesterday, we had one investigator attend church, and that was only because we went to his house and pushed his wheelchair all the way to the church. Church was good though. I didn´t play the piano this week, and the songs were funny. They started out singing, and it was ok, but by the end of the verse they somehow changed to a different tune of a completely different song. I just sat and laughed.

The first day I got here, they were setting up these huge carnival rides in the center of Ahome. Every night there has been crazy carnivals in the plaza area with rides, games, food, and really loud music. I thought that it would be over by 2 weeks, but they still party hard every night.

Those are the highlights of the week, Adios

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