Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 57 Villa Bonita

Hey guys,

I went to Guaymas again today to finalize my visa. I missed out on going bowling today the zone for having the most baptisms in the mission, but that´s ok.  My companion stayed with Elder Poaletti and Elder Sullivan. Guaymas is a pretty cool place.  There was 5 of us that went from my generation.    I had a good time there even though all we did was sign a paper and eat pizza.  We ate Papa Johns pizza. 

So, this week was pretty good. We had Ricardo´s baptism on Tuesday. That was pretty interesting. We passed by his house to bring him to the church, but he wasn't home. Then we bravely went to his dad's house to see if he was there. He wasn't there either. So we were looking for him for about an hour and a half trying to find him. He finally showed up, and we went to the baptism and he got baptized.

There´s is another story about his confirmation. On Sunday, he showed up after sacrament meeting, so he wasn't able to get confirmed yet. When he showed up, he was wearing a hoodie to hide his face because he had been beat up. A member of the church had beat up my convert! I was pretty mad! Ricardo is a super scrawny poor kid, and he got beat up by a member way bigger than him, and he beat him until he passed out.

This week we had planned rides to bring at least 8 investigators to church. Unfortunately, only 3 of the 8 investigators made it to church.

We have found two huge families of investigators where some of them have already been baptized. For example, we are now teaching a bunch of Ricardo´s cousins and step-siblings and aunts, etc. We made a huge family tree in our house to make sense of the huge family and to see who is a member and who isn't. We should have a lot of baptisms from that family.

I don´t have that much more time. This next week should be good. Hopefully Ricardo gets confirmed and his whole family comes to church. Thanks for your letters and support. 

I love you guys.

-Elder Steele

Family letter extras:
Elder Steele's little Sister and Brother asked:  what does Mexican pizza taste like?  Haha. :)

Elder Steele's response: "There is a specialty pizza flavor called Pizza Mexicana. It comes with jalapeño, chorizo, salchicha and that´s pretty much it. It´s pretty good. Mexican pizza in general is pretty bad in comparison to American Pizza. Papa Johns is pretty much the same though."

We asked how Ricardo was doing after being beat up...Elder Steele responded that he seems to be doing fine.  Such a sad thing to have happen.

Here are the pictures from Ricardo´s baptism:

Me, Ricardo, and my companion Elder Alvarenga at the baptism

Here´s some pictures of me with Genesis´s crazy nephew, Christopher, he just turned 3

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